
The Sentinel Horoscope

Sentinel Digital Desk

‘Star – Gazing’---- By Dr. Ajai Bhambi

‘Monday, 22ndApril2019’

‘Birthday Forecast’

Moon trine Mercury on your solar return chart denotes a good year. You may see possibilities everywhere and that you can be more than just a cog in the all-important wheel of change. You also have big humanitarian tendencies, so helping others will be a major focus of the coming year. This year highlights your originality and has far-reaching ramifications. Let's say you invent something new or propose a new idea to a think tank or local charitable organization, and it's not likely to stop there. You're obviously destined to do great things for the world, and this aspect reminds you to go big or go home. Don't think local, think global and beyond.

Lucky dates: 4, 13, 22, 31

Lucky days: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

Lucky colours: White, Grey, Black, Silver

‘Forecast for Today’

Aries : (March 21 - April 20)

Domestic harmony is yours to enjoy all day. You may notice more peace and contentment between you and your family. You may also be thinking of starting a home renovation project. If so, your taste will be to spend enormously on indulgences and luxuries. Be sure to keep a check on your bank balance. If you have recently entered a serious love relationship, your family is going to adore your choice as much as you.

Taurus : (April 21 - May 21)

People can be friendly but noncommittal, and while you may be seeking stronger responses, your ability to keep things open can lead to more personal enjoyment and less frustration now. It's an excellent time to take note of creative ideas and information coming your way, as there can be the chance to connect with a person or information that steers you in the direction of improvement and positive change.

Gemini : (May 22 - June 21)

There can be a sense of excitement about a person or cause now, or a person in your life inspires you to improve, grow, or reach towards a goal you previously felt was out of reach. Even with this good feeling of connection, a challenging aspect can point to some tendency to misconstrue or draw the wrong conclusions.

Cancer : (June 22 - July 22)

You'll feel particularly comfortable with the energy of objectivity and cooperation in the first half of the day, as it relates to areas of life that have been to some extent up in the air. Your work, home life, and domestic affairs benefit from strategic planning, and positive actions meant to improve these areas of life. This is a welcome wind of change.

Leo : (July 23 - August 23)

Your big ideas about making money don't sound as good once you sit down to think them over today. You want your schemes to hold up under scrutiny, but they don't. Rather than lingering in buyer's remorse, you can simply walk away from a project that's never been started. Thankfully, there are many other potential ventures vying for your attention now.

Virgo : (August 24 - September 22)

If possible, it may be best to treat today as a time of rest and renewal. The current planetary configuration encourages sticking with familiar situations, places, and people so that you can build your strength. This can affect your intimate relationships, debts, and money, and some delays are likely to lift going forward. In other words, you may not know what you truly want, need, and value temporarily, making major decisions a little risky at this time.

Libra : (September 23 - October 23)

Making connections with people who can help advance your goals or steer you in the right direction is possible now. However, it's important that you don't get caught up in the idea that you'll reach clear conclusions today, as definitive answers and commitments may be hard to come by just for now. The important thing is that you recognize where you should head and areas that need improvement.

Scorpio : (October 24 - November 22)

You can feel passionately about your ideas and projects. You are paying extra attention to realities, facts, and figures that feel draining now. Instead, observation tends to get you to the right conclusions now. If you're feeling a little drained or blocked creatively, slow down and do something different or seek out a change of scenery. This way, the information you seek or need is likely to come organically when you least expect it.

Sagittarius : (November 23 - December 21)

You're more sensitive to the needs of others now. However, being aware of someone else's perspective doesn't mean much unless you're willing to act on your convictions. If you don't know how to help, just ask. The best of intentions can still land you in trouble if your assumptions are false. Like Maya Angelou wrote, "You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

Capricorn : (December 22 - January 20)

Give yourself a break from overthinking the details and instead experiment and play with your options. You mind is wandering off to unfamiliar territories, and this motivates you to start anew on an emotional level. You're seeing the world through new eyes in some manner now, and it can be refreshing. Do consider taking up yoga or meditation for calming your mind and body.

Aquarius : (January 21 - February 18)

You might feel alienated from your world today, even if there are a variety of activities to keep you socially involved. You will be trying all day to come out of your protective shell. You like the idea of interacting with others, but there's a barrier to overcome. Don't try to check back into the real world until you're ready. The timing is for you to decide, not anyone else.

Pisces : (February 19 - March 20)

Lately you have learned a lot about what and who you want, and you are beginning to see some delays lift and projects or relationships move forward. You may have felt rather misunderstood or in a state of limbo lately, and now some of these problems unclog. However, there can be more waiting and looking to the past before you feel unfettered progress.