
Do You have a Habit of Biting Nails? Easy Ways to Stop it

Sentinel Digital Desk

Biting nails is a repetitive behavior that usually starts in childhood. Many people who begin biting their nails as children, it becomes their lifelong habit. And, it can be extremely difficult to quit. 

Once it becomes a habit, it can become your go-to behavior when you are waiting around, frustrated, or feeling bored. You might know several people who bite their nails. The habit of biting nails might look harmless but it is harmful. The habit of biting nails is called 'onychophagia.' Read more

Why Nail Biting?

Here is why some people bite their nails and the best way to get rid of it. Although there is no particular reason why people bite their nails, here are some probable causes:
  1. If you are frustrated, bored, or impatient, nail-biting can become an easy way to keep yourself busy.
  2. When you are doing something with utmost concentration, you might not even realise that you are biting your nails.
  3. Biting nails can give temporary relief from nervousness and anxiousness.
  4. In some cases, the habit of biting nails can be a symptom of a mental health condition like ADHD, depressive disorder, OCD, and separation anxiety disorder among others.
Biting your nails can often damage your cuticle and the tissues around it. Though there is no long-term damage, you may experience some soreness around the nails. Your nails start looking abnormal and you become more prone to fungal infection due to passing bacteria from your fingers to your mouth. Swallowing bitten nails can put you at a higher risk of stomach and intestinal infections. Read more

Easy Ways to Stop Biting Nails

You need to keep in mind that giving up on any habit takes time. If you have been trying to quit biting nails and are unable to do so, you have to be patient with yourself. Here is why some people bite their nails and the best way to get rid of it...

Trim your nails often

When you invest time in taking care of your nails, you will not be tempted to bite them. You can also get regular manicures as when you will spend money on your nails you will not want to bite them.

Put nail polish

Most nail paints are bitter in taste. When you coat your nails with nail paint, as soon as you put your nail in the mouth, you will feel uncomfortable and not do it. And, if you don't want to put colored nail paints, you can put transparent nail paints, as it is easily available on market. Men can use this too!

Wear Gloves

Though this is only a temporary solution, you can wear cotton gloves so that you cannot bite your nails.

Analyse what makes you do it

Analysing what makes you bite your nails can make it easy for you to get rid of the habit.

Replace the Habit

You can replace the habit with another one like chewing gum. You can also occupy yourself with a stress ball or fidget magnet.

Be Patient

Don't expect that you will transform the habit in a day or two. Just like forming good habits takes time, giving up bad ones also requires time.
Biting nails may seem normal but it's very harmful to our health. So, start investing your time to apply the aforementioned ways to improve your habit.