
Education Turning Tech Smart

Sentinel Digital Desk

New technology not only speeds up the learning process but also introduces pupils to the problem-solving aspects of the current workplace.

By incorporating robotics, programming, and 3D printing, school science projects are being redesigned. These are the cornerstones of numerous professions that are already in demand on the labour market and have a bright future ahead of them.

Learning methods are constantly changing and becoming more and more dependent on modern technologies. This enhances communication, making it simpler to obtain information and clarify the problem. These are but a handful of instances of how technology is now used in education.

The advances in technology are simply amazing. Accepting that this is the environment in which our pupils are growing, we should provide them the chance to learn about these amazing advancements. Each new piece of technology should be carefully considered, thoroughly, and should only be used to enhance the personal component of learning, not to completely replace it.

The 21st century's educational approaches make it simpler for teachers to transfer knowledge and identify their pupils' potential. On the other hand, the use of audio-visual and interactive technology greatly facilitates the students' learning process. New possibilities in education are made possible by this thoughtful blending of technology and instruction, and several approaches have stood out as particularly outstanding.

Distance learning

Although distance learning has been practised for many years, its significance has increased in light of the quick development of communication technologies. Today, it is feasible to actively engage in class while observing it in real time from a different area of the globe. An internet connection, a computer or other smart device, as well as suitable communication software, are requirements for online education.

Virtual attendance, live chat, and in-person face-to-face connections with teachers and students are all made possible by technology in education. The previously recorded lessons can also be accessed, along with a multitude of other helpful resources.

Many American schools use this type of instruction, sometimes as a supplementary teaching strategy and other times as a stand-alone, full-time online learning option. The options have grown so much that it is now even feasible to participate in extracurricular activities offered by the school in this way. Finally, one can even receive a diploma in this manner from several universities across the nation.


When students are happy, they study more effectively. By combining the enjoyable aspects of play with the subject matter and ideas that students need to learn, the use of gaming in the classroom helps to reinforce this idea.

Computers and tablets in classrooms

What would schooling without books entail? Answering this question is simple because all data would be stored on a tablet (or computer). Hardcopy textbooks would no longer be necessary as a result of the digitization of educational content, which would also make information more accessible.

Furthermore, computers and tablets benefit in the following ways: they literally make learning easier (no heavy bags);

Easy access from anywhere at any time; high levels of computer literacy; facilitation of learning through the use of multimedia resources; great preparation for higher education through early exposure to new technologies; and convenience of use for teachers thanks to computer-based testing.

Of course, in order for all of this to be possible, teachers and students both need to have access to tablets or laptops so that everyone may benefit from modern educational approaches.

Cloud technology

The use of cloud technology is one of the best illustrations of how valuable learning technology is. While data sharing was somewhat difficult in the past, computer use in education was quite limited. These days, educational equipment is connected through internet programmes that store data in the cloud. This implies that every student has access to all of the information stored on the server.

With cloud services like Office 365 or Google Drive, it is now much simpler to complete team activities and share information and multimedia. Children might also be introduced to this kind of data interchange through specific educational apps. The cost of these cloud services is another perk; they are significantly less expensive than purchasing specialised software for every school device. In eLearning, where teachers upload assignments and multimedia information for students, this technology is very crucial.

VR technology

The relatively recent technological breakthroughs of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) add a fresh perspective to the classroom. Students can go to faraway locations and interact with prehistoric civilizations or dinosaurs using VR headsets. This is a great addition to the learning process because it allows one to have near encounters that aren't realistic (climbing a mountain, going to space).

Contrarily, augmented reality refers to the "improvement" of reality through the incorporation of digital aspects into the real world, which has a favourable impact on student engagement. The game Pokémon Go, in which players explore real-world streets in search of the game's characters, is arguably the most well-known application of augmented reality technology worldwide. Other than for gaming, this technology has applications in other fields, and there is little doubt that the opportunities this potent instrument offers will shape education in the future.


New technology not only speeds up the learning process but also introduces pupils to the problem-solving aspects of the current workplace. By incorporating robotics, programming, and 3D printing, school science projects are being redesigned. These are the cornerstones of numerous professions that are already in demand on the labour market and have a bright future ahead of them.

Robotics paves the way for future professional developments by introducing kids to all aspects of the STEM system (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Making a robot requires more than just designing it and using 3D printing to make its components; it also requires programming. Although it may seem difficult, many schools teach the fundamentals of robotics and other technological breakthroughs to even the youngest kids, according to their age and intellectual development.

Optional Speech-to-Text

Virtual assistant programmes and features, like Apple's Siri, are now available on a wide range of devices and app platforms. Making things even simpler to grasp are voice-activated, intelligent assistants. Additionally, the speech-to-text feature that is included with most devices makes taking notes and writing even more informal and quick. Have you ever wondered what would happen if schools went online? Due to the effects of new technologies, virtual schools are currently popular.

Technology is an indispensable part of modern education

The foundation of modern student advancement and development is education technology. Early exposure to technology, programming, and contemporary communication methods makes later adoption of new standards and working practises much simpler. Due to this, an increasing number of schools are updating their facilities in order to implement 21st-century teaching strategies. In addition to making, it easier for the kids to complete their schoolwork, this is a terrific method to get them ready for the obstacles that lie ahead.

It can be said that in the days to come, major part of education will be done through technology and there will be more advances in this field.