
Positive stress: how can stress be a positive element in your life

Sentinel Digital Desk

Stress can be defined as any uncomfortable emotional experience combined with an expected physiological, biochemical and behavioral changes. Stress is an individual's natural way of reacting to any situation that is essential for survival. However, a recent study conducted by Dr. Ayesha Sherzai states that positive stress plays an important role in our life.

Negative stress, as it implies obviously, has negative effects. But at the same time stress has implications on an individual’s mood. Scientifically, stress releases cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol, an in-built alarm system of the body, is known as a stress hormone that impacts the human brain to control fear, mood, and impetus. Adrenaline is a hormone that gets released from triangular adrenaline glands that are positioned on top of kidneys. It fuels the human body’s fight or flight (face or escape) instinct that normally occurs to a person in stress.

Positive stress may sound strange, but yes stress has the positive effects too. Stress that occurs because of exam, assignments and other relevant pressures that lead to satisfactory or rather constructive outcomes is called positive stress. It’s almost like finding an opportunity in the problems.

Boosting the positive stress is actually beneficial for one. If one is determined towards achieving goals and objectives pertaining to work; it becomes pretty much easier to handle any situation, no matter whatever it is. Again, it is important to discover the causes of stress so you get to know how to tackle them.

First of all, one needs to jot down the causes that are giving birth to stress, identifying the roots, breaking them down and prioritizing them accordingly, will definitely going to give you some relief! On top of that, working smart while dealing with stress is the main key to tackle your stress in the proper manner.

Health problems that are caused due to stress include:

Being unhappy in the job; taking too much of responsibilities or heavy workload; working for long hours restlessly; poor management; and harassment at work are some of the causes of work stress. Extreme cases of life stresses may result in divorce; death of loved ones; shifting to a new place; emotional problems; and some wrong-doings like rape, theft etc.

Connecting with others, changing the activity level, learning to relax, engaging the senses, a healthy diet and taking rest helps in overcoming stress levels.

Sometimes the stress also comes from inside, rather than outside. Such kind of stress leads to fear and uncertainty, change of attitudes and perception, and unrealistic expectations.

However, managing stress in an appropriate manner can definitely bring a constructive change in life. Good stress also called as “eustress” helps one to achieve more goals, leading to more happiness and success or fulfillment. Eustress is the spark to improve the quality of our life.

Positive stress boosts brainpower, it increases short-term immunity, it makes one stronger, it makes one creative, it motivates one to succeed and also it enhances child development.

Hence, if one finds an opportunity in a stressful condition and make it a success, then he or she can actually transform “stress” into “eustress.”

Live life happily!