
Spirituality as a Form of Reform

Sentinel Digital Desk

Defining what is spirituality is not easy, because there are many different types of spirituality as spirituality exists both within and outside of religions. The desire for spirituality is a part of who we are, but each person’s spiritual journey is different as there are numerous spiritual traditions, and practices.

Still, the meaning of “Spirituality” has refined and expanded over time, and various meanings can be found alongside each other.For some,it’s primarily about a belief in God and active participation in organised religion. For others, it may entail experiencing a sense of interconnectedness with the rest of humanity and nature of connection to a higher state. Therefore, some signs of spirituality can include:

● Asking deep questions about things like suffering or what happens after death

● Deepening relationships

● Experiencing compassion and empathy for others

● Experiencing feelings of awe and wonder

● Seeking happiness beyond material possessions or other external rewards

● Seeking meaning and purpose

● Wanting to make the world a better place

Spirituality also offers a worldview that suggests there is more to life than just what people experience on a sensory and physical level.Instead, it suggests that there is something greater that connects all beings to each other and to the universe itself.It may involve religious traditions centering on the belief in a higher power.

It can also involve a holistic belief in an individual connection to others and the world as a whole.

Spirituality is not a single path or belief system.

There are many ways to experience spirituality and the benefits of a spiritual experience. For example, some people may be more likely to have spiritual experiences in churches or temples, while others might have these feelings when they’re out enjoying nature. There are also different types of spirituality and practices.

Some of them are:

● Mystical Spirituality: This type of spirituality is focused on the intuitional part of the soul. People who have mystical spirituality believe that there’s a greater unity to every experience in life. For example, people with this type of spirituality may support the idea that everything happens for a reason. There’s a greater explanation behind everything and that would be what unites all the different experiences.

● Authoritarian Spirituality: This type of spirituality is believing in a hierarchical structure of things or in authority. People define their spirituality by following a set of rules and some restrictions. Often, this type of spirituality is associated with religious beliefs and also people with authoritarian spirituality can develop a form of fundamentalist religion.

● Intellectual Spirituality: The core belief behind this type of spirituality is knowledge. Intellectually spiritual people are prone to gaining knowledge of spiritual theories and analysing the information they get their hands on.

● Service Spirituality: This is one of the most common types of spirituality.It’s because people experience spiritual peace when they serve others. Therefore,doing something that will benefit someone without getting something back is a common way for people to get in touch with their spiritual selves.

● Social Spirituality: Experiencing spiritual awakening when you are surrounded by other people explains this type of spirituality. Many people practice being around other people when searching for greater spiritual purpose in life. Therefore, being in religious groups is one way to experience this spirituality.

However, spirituality is a timeless state of awareness but there is variation in how spirituality is practiced and perceived over time, this is due to the evolution of humans, our state of consciousness, and our environment.

Spirituality can also assist us in dealing with human problems(mental, physical, and emotional) that arise due to the generally fast-paced distracted lifestyle that modern life usually operates within.

Spirituality can also allow us to become more understanding of our connection to all things and so less individualistic in our thinking and actions. Spiritual awareness can remind us how life is much more than what meets the eye. As a result, the spiritual journey involves first healing and affirming the ego so that positive states are experienced; A person becomes less constrained by ego defences when they have a healthy self-esteem, a belief in their own worth, and the capacity to love and be generous. True spirituality demands that one's heart need to be opened. This raises the question of whether or not masochistic religious practices like self-flagellation, which are based on a belief in the wickedness that is inherent in the body as opposed to any real connection with the body and, as a result, compassion for it, are spiritual. This shows that religion sometimes gets side-tracked into practices that make people feel proud, superior, etc., and that this doesn't always help spiritual growth. or cause a person to become ensnared in feelings of unworthiness, guilt, and shame, which are all common emotions experienced by psychiatric patients. In a nutshell, how a person approaches religion will inevitably reflect their own maturity and development.

However, it has also become extremely challenging for people to survive and live in peace in today's chaotic world. We all require a break from the world's violence and suffering. Many people, for one reason or another, are turning to spirituality as a means of achieving their goal. Divine enlightenment helps them find some peace by reaching beyond our mind and ego and deep into our conscience. In the midst of the darkness, a spiritual mind experiences bliss. The eternal peace we prevent while achieving harmony outweighs the unrest we experience. Spirituality can heal our minds and provide relief from life's turbulences in today's world. Despite advances in technology and knowledge, people today are more likely to experience depression and other mental conflicts brought on by societal, personal, and economic issues. Numerous psychological issues arise as a result of the negativity that surrounds us. These issues can lead to serious illnesses and even death. To realize the significance of life and let go of the negativity that clouds our thoughts and prevents us from experiencing our full potential for happiness, people need to have peace of mind. Nowadays, numerous individuals have found solace and relief from stress through spirituality. Research has also shown that those who are more religious or spiritual and use their spirituality to cope with challenges in life experience many benefits to their health and well-being, although people use many different paths to find God or a higher power.

However, “what makes the process of defining spirituality so elusive is the nature of the term itself. It is value laden and seemingly so cultural, religiously and ethnically bound, that any meaningful definition appears to Be an exercise in futility.” As defined by Maher and Hunt (1993).

Spirituality is the capacity of persons to transcend themselves through knowledge and love, that is, to reach beyond themselves in relationship to others and thus become more than self-enclosed monads. Spirituality is a dimension of a human being that is actualized as a life project and practice. Spirituality is a developed relationality rather than a mere capacity. It is not generic. For example, we can distinguish in a qualitative sense between a healthy and rigid spirituality, even within a religious tradition. A spirituality is as unique as a personality is unique. Spirituality can be religious or secular. A secular spirituality is still a “relationship between what one truly is and everything that is” (Peter Van Ness). A religious/secular spirituality, according to Schneiders, is “the experience of conscious involvement in the project of life integration through self-transcendence toward the ultimate value one perceives.(Uzma Zebrin Haque is a student of the Department of Mass Communication, Journalism and Media Studies, Cotton University)


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