
Where Education Begins for your Child

Sentinel Digital Desk


Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are raised in a peaceful setting. Try to avoid getting into fights at home and discussing family problems in front of the children. It is the responsibility of their parents to encourage them in their academic endeavours.

Home is where the child's education begins. The children's parents are their first and most influential teachers. The education received both at home and at school influences a student's overall development. Students, who do well in school, typically have supportive parents.

The environment a child grows up in has a significant impact on how well they learn. The following is a list of ways in which parents might assist their children in learning and ensure that they get quality education.


Parents inspire kids and they serve as a model for them when they are in the learning phase. At home, parents typically provide their children with their earliest education. Educate children about the potential benefits that can come from exerting themselves academically, instruct and encourage them to continue their education outside of the classroom.

Read together

Activities done together by a parent and a kid can promote confidence. Reading the lessons with your child is one of the most effective ways to keep them involved in the education that they are receiving. Reading is also encouraged as a result of this increased vocabulary. In order to enhance what is learned in the classroom, go to the library and borrow some good books.

Keep a watch on your child's school and home activities

Their academic performance depends on their behaviours. Give timely counselling and rectify abnormal behaviour from childhood to promote good citizenship. Help them to plan their day and make time for lessons.

No overscheduling

Avoid overcommitting yourself to home schooling activities. They spend around half of their day in school. Assist them in organising their home study and schoolwork without making them feel overburdened. Finding a healthy balance between schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and downtime is essential to a fulfilling college experience.

Provide a tranquil household

Parents are responsible for ensuring that their children are raised in a peaceful setting. Try to avoid getting into fights at home and discussing family problems in front of the children. It is the responsibility of their parents to encourage them in their academic endeavours.

Give constructive criticism

If your child is underperforming or not prioritising schoolwork, correct them immediately. However, ill remarks can disturb them. Be patient and constructively criticise any issues. Instead of blaming, explain right and wrong.

Helping youngsters with homework boosts their motivation to learn. Help them with homework or projects. It's best not to teach them and let them play. Help them out and do it together.

Prep them for exams

Don't let them study alone. Guide and encourage them in test preparation. To reduce exam anxiety, you might give small examinations at home. You can also aid with weak lesson sections.

Rewarding results motivates kids to study better. Reward them for good test results. This inspires them to improve each time. However, don't overindulge them for average performance, which will dull their deadly instinct.

Holiday travels should be instructive. To help them understand the teachings, include relevant destinations. They can also learn and engage with nature by visiting museums and zoos.

Maintain parent-teacher relationships

Participate in gatherings and conversations. Keep up healthy relationships with the teachers who are caring for your child. Find out what the youngster is struggling with at school and help them out if you can. Keeping up positive ties between parents and teachers is another way to show your child that you care.

Make time for kids

Parents who have jobs often have very busy schedules. Nevertheless, you should spend time with your children. Keep up a healthy parent-child relationship in order to make the house a more pleasant environment. Feed them and play with them so that they can get their thoughts straight.

Monitor their learning

There are some children who will initiate their own learning at home. In the case of many children, parents ought to step in. Instead of forcing kids to learn at home, observe what they are doing and provide encouraging direction. If they're not pulling their weight, you might want to look into their free time.

Prioritise child's learning

Because the academic life of a child is so important, it is imperative that parents give it top consideration when making decisions. Make it a priority and try to avoid excursions or events that can interfere with their normal study regimen.

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