
Yoga poses that tackle the damages done to your body by the stiff desk jobs

Sentinel Digital Desk

"Sitting is the new smoking," as it was warned by the Wired magazine earlier this year. Several studies carried out by teams of researchers across the globe also confirms that constant sitting for several hours may cause heart disease and diabetes along with a host of other serious health problems.

But when you are compelled to sit for 8 hours a day for the sake of your job, you have to find out alternative ways to tackle with the damages done to your body by your 8/10 hours sitting job. In such circumstances, the best remedy that one can opt for is Yoga as rather than taking does of medicines for curing your body, some poses of yoga are always welcome.

Below mentioned are some very useful yoga poses that can do miracles to the body-

Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

A must do exercise after a long day at work is definitely the downward-facing dog. This yoga pose stretches and strengthens the body parts. For creating this pose, one has to make the inverted "V' shape with the legs and the palms of the hands placed on the ground. The yoga performer has to put all the attention on his/her breath while holding this pose for 30-60 seconds.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The mountain pose is especially helpful for stretching the back that gets stiff after a long tiring sitting day. It also opens the chest and enhances free breathing. For performing this pose one have to stand straight with the legs joined and then slowly stretch the body towards back with hands held upright and straight. The hands will also stretch back with the body.

Standing Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

This particular yoga pose releases stress and anxiety. It also works great in deep shoulder stretch. For this pose, one has to stand straight keeping the knees unfolded. Now Lean forward with the spine being straight and try to touch the ground. The knees and legs will still be straight and unfolding.