National News

COVID-19: Eminent Gastroenterologist suggests mobility after Lockdown

Sentinel Digital Desk

New Delhi: After the Tablighi Jamaat incident, the number of the COVID positive cases is doubling and it could spiral up in the coming week amid lockdown, but there is no need to panic, said Dr S.K. Sarin, an eminent Delhi-based gastroenterologist at Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS).

Is 21-day period of lockdown is enough to contain the outbreak of coronavirus, or it should be increased?

The way we are doubling up (on the coronavirus positive cases in the country). We may spiral up in the coming week. After the end of this lockdown period, I suggest we should go for modest lockdown. Mobility should be reduced for at least four weeks after the 21-day period ends.

What is your take on the Tablighi Jamaat incident ?

There is no doubt, it was Delhi’s misfortune this congregation took place. It was a hotspot of coronavirus infection. People from this congregation travelled to all over the country. We need to do rigorous contact screening, including those people who have come in contact with people who participated in this congregation.

What is your reaction on news going around that TB vaccination administered early in childhood could become a silver bullet in fighting COVID-19. Also, the increase in temperature would have an impact on the virus?

There is nothing scientific to establish the TB vaccination claim. As it was administered in childhood, and if somebody goes for it now would it help in fighting COVID, there is nothing to show. Moreover, the impact of high temperature on the virus is also not known. There are no good studies on the temperature effect on the virus.

Have you observed any changes in virus incubation period, and if coronavirus can travel up to 8 meters from exhalation, what do you suggest?

Initially, the incubation period was 4 to 14 days, but now we could see the incubation period has changed from 4 to 24 days. Viral shedding could be low in the initial few days of illness, but it could rise significantly after a few days. Also, the virus can go up to 8 meters.