
'Assembly destiny maker for people'

Sentinel Digital Desk

From our correspondent

Itagar, Nov 19: Terming the legislative Assembly as the destiny maker of the people, President Ram th Kovind on Sunday called upon the MLAs of Aruchal Pradesh to serve the people and their constituencies dedicatedly irrespective of party affiliations.

Addressing a special session of the State Legislative Assembly here after dedicating the newly constructed building to the people of the State, the president said, “The new building is not just a building of ‘bricks and cement’ but a place where the lawmakers plan for the State with a vision.”

“People have elected you with great hope and aspirations. You must shoulder the responsibilities to keep your voters’ aspirations alive and serve them with sincerity. I hope the oath you took will be a guiding factor for you all,” Kovind said to the members of the Assembly.

“In a parliamentary democracy, we fight elections on party line. After we got elected we no more remain as an MLA of the party but as the leader of the entire constituency. It is our utmost duty to look after the problems faced by the people irrespective of caste, community, religion and party line,” he added.

While recalling the contribution made by various leaders of the Assembly for the cause of the State, Kovind advocated that all decisions in the Assembly should be taken through healthy debates by both the ruling and opposition members.

The president also appealed the members to preserve the rich age-old traditions of the State.

Referring to Centre’s plan on improving air connectivity in the Northeast, Kovind said that Aruchal Pradesh would largely benefit from such projects.

“The Act East Policy will help the State to start business with neighbouring South East Asian countries,” he added.

State Governor Brig (Retd) Dr B D Mishra in his address called upon the members to work with accountability and transparency.

Earlier, Assembly Speaker Tenzing Norbu Thongdok gave an overview of the new Assembly building.

The Assembly started with 23 members in the year 1975 and the strength shot up to 33 (30 elected and 3 nomited) during 1978. From 1975 to 1978, it was known as the Provisiol Assembly.

However, from 1980 to 1987, the State was a union territory and in February 20, 1987 Aruchal became a full-fledged State. Since 1990, the strength of the Assembly increased to 60 MLAs.