
Semir on Skebite Magement at Tezpur varsity

Sentinel Digital Desk


Tezpur, Oct 7: Tezpur University is going to organize a tiol semir on Ske Venom Research (SkSymp2016) and Continuous Medical Education (CME) on skebite magement from November 22-24. During the three-day semir many tiol and intertiol toxicologists, clinicians, research scholars, postgraduate medical students, and representatives from antivenom manufacturing companies will discuss the recent advances in ske venom research.

The symposium will also try to frame a roadmap for the improvement of hospital magement of skebite patients.  A CME on hospital magement of skebite patient is also being organized by DBT-Nodal Centre, TU in collaboration with Tezpur Medical College.

 Abstracts are invited for oral/poster presentation.  Physicians, primary health center doctors, and PG medical students are invited to participate in the CME. Interested researchers/ practitioners may contact the Chairman/Organizing Secretary ( or visit  for further details and registration for the symposium.