
White House defends tiol Guard border deployment

Sentinel Digital Desk

 Washington, April 9: The White House has defended President Dold Trump’s move to send tiol Guard troopers to the US-Mexico border, saying illegal immigration was “a problem of a proportion at this point that can’t go uddressed”, the media reported. The Trump administration saw a 200 per cent increase last month in year-over-year border apprehensions, amounting to more than 50,000 people, White House Homeland Security adviser Tom Bossert said on Sunday. Border apprehensions have fallen in recent years. But Bossert said the sharp rise, combined with an expected seasol uptick next month, necessitated the deployment, reports Politico news. Bossert declined to provide specifics on the cost or length of the new troop deployments on border. 

The White House adviser said that he did not have data to back Trump’s assertion that migrant women “are raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before”, but Bossert said rape was “the price of entry” for many seeking to cross the border. Bossert added that the US and other countries “have to change the dymic in the Western Hemisphere” to address the problem’s roots, Politico reported.
After Trump’s order on April 4 to send the tiol Guard to the border, Texas began deploying 250 troops on April 6 with more slated to arrive this week. Arizo plans to deploy 150 troops to the border this week. Trump has called for 2,000 to 4,000 new troops along the border to support the US Border Patrol and other law enforcement agencies. (IANS)