Assam News

On Assamese-Bangla Paired Gamosa, Bimal Borah Provides Clarification

Sentinel Digital Desk

GUWAHATI: Assam Cultural Affairs Minister Bimal Borah made it clear that the viral photo of an Assamese-Bangla coupled gamosa is 18 months old in the midst of the growing controversy around it.

Social media users have been sharing pictures of Bimal Borah grinning as he looked at the gamosa and Ranoj Pegu wearing the matching gamosa around his neck. The gamosa dispute, which has been making news, was started by the widely shared images.

Criticism of the controversy has come from all over the state. Assamese gamosa will always maintain its pride and prestige, according to Bimal Borah on Monday.

He declared, "I completely agree that combining it with another community's gamosa or giving it a different pattern will undoubtedly damage the sensibilities of the Assamese community, which is natural."

The Assamese-Bangla paired gamosa was presented to attendees, including Ranoj Pegu, the minister of education for Assam, at the Bangla Sahitya Sabha, Axom's inaugural state-level conference in October 2021.

Even the Assam Education Minister Ranoj Pegu stated on Sunday that he had no intention of degrading the honour of the Assamese gamosa by embellishing the pairing of the paired gamosa.

The Bangla Sahitya Sabha, Axom, was established, according to Pegu, at the urging of educated elites, in order to forge deeper literary ties between the two populations in Assam.

Pegu stated, "During the Bangla Sahitya Sabha's first meeting, they kept the photo of Rabindranath Tagore on one side and a photo of Lakshminath Bezbaruah on the other side."

The members of the Bangla Sahitya Sabha, according to the education minister, identify as Assamese who speak Bengali.

"Also, they presented me with the matched gamosa at the occasion. No other state or territory may claim Gamosa as their own because it has the GI designation. They merely honoured us with the gamosa during a function.”, he continued.

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