Mizoram News

Mizoram: ZORO Announces Peaceful Rally Against Indo-Myanmar Border Fencing and FMR Abolition

Sentinel Digital Desk

AIZAWL: The government of India has made a decision to construct a fence along their border with Myanmar. Alongside this their intention is to extinguish the Free Movement Regime (FMR). Consequently, Zo Re-Unification Organisation (ZORO) intends to launch a peacefully arranged demonstration. ZORO's rally is planned for May 16 2024. The determination was realized at comprehensive meeting at ZORO's chief office in Treasury Square. R. Sangkawia, President of the association conducted the meeting.

Fiery discussions dominated the meeting. These centered on the consequences of the border enclosure and extinguishment of the FMR. Participants passionately contested these decisions. They view these measures as divisive actions. These steps will further oppress Zo progeny and apportion kin. ZORO's robust opposition to these new governing policies was emphasized.

They articulated their objective to set up a peaceful protest at the Burma border. It was aimed to reflect their disapproval. Invitations to join the rally were extended to all Mizo natives and Burmese individuals. Border villages have also been urged to actively participate in the protest. This move is intended to escalate their opposition against the actions of the government. They are urged to stand united against these steps.

The NGO Coordination Committee (NGOCC) in Mizoram previously arranged a demonstration. This initiative by the NGOCC which constitutes five central NGOs, followed hot on its heels. The organization made firm objections to the cancellation of the FMR known. This particular protest was conducted on the premises of Vanapa Hall in February.

During this event numerous protestors gathered. They were from various age groups. Protestors noticeably wielded placards. Messages like "We don’t want border fencing" were on these placards. They reflected the comprehensive dissatisfaction among individuals relating to government rulings.

ZORO now has the impending rally as its central concern. The organization yearns to escalate the outcry against Indo-Myanmar border regulations. They are proactively working to prompt support. They wish for unity. This receptiveness is sought from not just local societies but also observers at global level.