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Understand the value of time: Hima Das

Sentinel Digital Desk

Guwahati: Leading Indian sprinter Hima Das today said that she is totally cured of her career- threatening injury and is ready to participate in the forthcoming national and international competitions in full steam. The sprinter, who was in the city today and accompanied by the president of the Assam Athletics Association Lakhya Konwar, spent a few moments with the local media and shared her experience on the recently concluded Commonwealth Games (CWG), Birmingham and her future plans. After the interaction, she also took a few questions from The Sentinel. Here is the excerpt.

The Sentinel (TS): You looked totally fit now!

Hima: Yes. I have recovered well and fully fit for training as well as for the competition. There is no injury related problem in my body now.

TS: Injury forced you to stay away from the track for a while. Share a bit on how you have overcome the struggling period.

Hima: I was determined to make a comeback and I did everything that was required for it. A few years back I met Sachin sir (Sachin Tendulkar) and during the conversation he gave me valuable advice. He said that some time a moment arrived in the career when an athlete needed to work silently forgetting everything. I did exactly the same thing. Last one year I just followed the guidance that was given to me by my physio, coach and Athletics Federation of India and I feel I did the right thing.

TS: What was your plan at the Commonwealth Games?

Hima: I aimed to give my hundred percent on the track. Although I couldn't bring home a medal, as an athlete I am happy with my performance.

TS: You missed the final round berth in 200m for a micro second!

Hima: Very upset. I understand what the value of time is.

TS: Your comments on the performance of the Indian contingent in the Commonwealth Games.

Hima: Splendid. The Indian team made a good show in various disciplines including athletics in the recently concluded Commonwealth Games. I hope it will get better and better in the coming years.

TS: Nayanmoni Saikia won medal for the country and also brought laurel for Assam from CWG. Your reaction...

Hima: Many congratulations to Nayanmoni ba. She was constantly working to better her game and finally got a medal from the Commonwealth Games. I am really very happy with her performance in Birmingham.

TS: Controversy sparked about the attitude of Lovlina Borgohain after her early exit at Birmingham…

Hima: Look, win and loss are parts of a game. All of us should keep patience. Lovlina is an Olympic medal winner and she didn't go to Birmingham for a vacation tour. Before the Games, like other athletes, Lovlina too worked hard to do well in the Games. It is unfortunate that she missed a medal this time but it's ok. Just stand beside her and give her support.

TS: What is your next plan?

Hima: As I am now fully fit, I will try to compete in various competitions. It will help me to prepare myself for all upcoming international events including Asian Games.

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