
Sports Minister assures help to ailing hockey Olympian MP Singh

Sentinel Digital Desk

NEW DELHI: Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju on Thursday assured a group of well-known hockey players that Olympian Mohinder Pal Singh, who has damaged both his kidneys, would be provided assistance under a relevant scheme of the ministry, and also asked Gautam Buddha Nagar member of Parliament to further chip in to help the ailing star who lives in his constituency.

Singh, 58, lives in NOIDA, which falls under Gautam Buddha Nagar constituency, from where Mahesh Sharma has been elected to Parliament.

During the meeting, at which the wife of Singh was also present, Rijiju called up NOIDA MP Mahesh Sharma and requested him to provide urgent assistance, according to those present in the meeting. Sharma, they informed, gave a positive response.

Singh, a former penalty corner specialist, has been looking for a kidney donor for about a month, and has circulated his request on social media. The retired Air India employee was admitted to Apollo Hospital in south Delhi for dialysis, and was discharged on Tuesday. He has since returned home, but will be visiting the hospital thrice a week for dialysis, until a kidney donor is found. IANS