
Tezpur Circle, Tezpur invites tender for Construction and Installation of 3.00m inside Dia RCC Dug Well

Sentinel Digital Desk

Sealed Tenders are invited affixing non-refundable Court Fee Stamp of worth Rs. 8.25 (Rupees Eight & paisa Twenty Five) only, eventually to be drawn up in PWD F-2 Form are invited from the Registered Contractors of Class-I(C) category of North Assam Zone (PHE), Tezpur and Class- II category under Tezpur (PHE) Circle only for the following works under the jurisdiction of Tezpur division no. I, Tezpur. The Tender will be received up to 2.00 P.M. on 12/08/2020 and the same will be opened on the same date and hours in presence of the Tenderers or their authorized agents who would like to be present.

Details of works along with the detail tender paper may be seen and obtained during office hours of all working days from the office of the undersigned up to 12:00 Noon on 12/08/2020 on payment of Rs.100.00 (Rupees One Hundred) only for each Tender paper, in the form of IPO duly pledged to the Executive Engineer (PHE), Tezpur Division No. I, Tezpur. If due to certain unavoidable circumstances, the tender paper could not be received on the above mentioned date, the same shall be received and opened in the next working day and time as indicated above.

The tenderers must submit their tender paper along with earnest money @ 2% (Two Percent) in case of general, 1% (one percent) in case of SC/ST/OBC/MOBC of Estimated value as mentioned, in the form of NSC / Call Deposit duly pledged in favour of the Superintending Engineer (PHE), Tezpur Circle, along with self attested photo copy of up to date Registration certificate, PAN Card, GST Registration Certificate etc. else the tender will be treated as cancelled.

The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject the request for issue/accept of tender paper without assigning any reason thereof and is not bound to accept the lowest quoted rates.

Group no.Name of work

Estimated Amount 

Earnest Money  to be Deposited

Time of Completion.


Construction and Installation of 3.00m inside Dia RCC Dug Well at Boulder Zone Areas of Gaderijan PWSS under the jurisdiction of Tezpur division no. I, Tezpur 

Rs. 6,38,460.00

2% for General & 1% for SC/ST/OBC/MOBC 

2 months

Superintending Engineer (PHE),
Tezpur Circle, Tezpur