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food for thought

Sentinel Digital Desk

In a democracy, governments are elected by the people of the countries concerned. In other words, these governments are chosen by the people so the political executives serve them – they are all public servants, not public masters as they in general tend to think. This fact of life apart, the pressing issues of the day – basic issues – that affect day-to-day life must matter. It must be the topmost priority. Issues such as safe drinking water, sanitation, good roads, a functiol garbage magement system, smooth traffic in towns and cities, and hassle-free transportation and communication must rate a far higher priority than glitzy things like ‘Advantage Assam’ even as investment from outside is the need of the hour for the development clock to tick properly. But the basics are missing. And this militates against the very tenet of democracy – of the people, by the people, for the people, as the legendary American president Abraham Lincoln had said.

Why does it not strike our elected governments – of all the northeastern States – that unless the basic issues affecting the lives of commoners are addressed in a way as they should be, all the tall promises of development will remain hollow? First set the interior of your house in order, then venture out. Which is possible.