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food for thought

Sentinel Digital Desk

After the release of satirical comedy–drama film ‘PK’, the activists of a number of Hindu organizations ransacked cinema halls in various parts of the country. The activists say that the movie has hurt their religious sentiment. The very theme of the movie is about ‘hypocrites who pretend to religious piety’. They say, not only Hindus, the movie has hurt the sentiment of all faiths. The moviegoers of India, on the other hand, scripted new records when the movie minted Rs 300 crore in the country and over Rs 600 crore worldwide. ‘PK’ has not hurt the Hindu sentiment of cine–goers. They enjoyed ‘PK’ just as a movie. That’s all! In this changed society the commoners have no time to spend their time for spiritual matters. However, the content of another movie ‘Oh My God!’, in essence,  is same as that of ‘PK’. The only difference is that while in ‘Oh My God!’ the character created by director Paresh Rawal exposes ‘pretention to religious piety’, in ‘PK’ the picture portrayed by actor Amir Khan does it. There is no protest, whatsoever, in the case of ‘Oh MY God!’ as is the case with ‘PK’. Why? The right response is – a section of pretenders does charismatic gurus the world over. This is also a business in the me of faith. Charged with such a sentiment, a section of Islamic fundamentalists carried out a mayhem in the office of a magazine in Paris recently for publishing a satirical cartoon of Hazarat Mahammed. A section of Indians was up in arms against artist of intertiol repute, MF Hussain, for portraying a picture of Durga, Saraswati, Sita and Hanuman in a particular artistic taste. The artist had to face bitter diatribe for, what his critiques said, depicting the Goddesses nude. It’s unfortute for a civilized society! A cinema, a cartoon or an artistic portrait – are creations of artists. Such arts may be based on a religion, but these creations are not Gods or Goddesses. God is a faith. Crores of people the world over preach/imagine/believe Almighty in diverse forms. Is God so fragile that a movie, a cartoon or a portrait can distort His greatness?