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Glory Be To God on High

Sentinel Digital Desk

John Moolachira

(Archbishop of Guwahati)

Christmas is the most popular Christian festival. It celebrates the birthday of Jesus, the saviour of the world. A feeling of wonder and love wells up in the hearts of Christians as Christmas approaches. They marvel how God became a mere man born as a human child of a normal woman called Mary. A child is always sweet that one feels like picking it up and cuddling it for its tenderness. While the concept of God is often intimidating, a child is always approachable; it loves to be held and cared for and that is what God is allowing us to do at Christmas.  In Jesus, we touch and behold God himself. Christmas is about love. Bible tells us, "God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that those who believe in may not perish but may have eterl life". God created us in love; he cares for us and wants that we exist not only in this world but continue being with him to eternity.  Jesus guarantees us life with God in heaven at the end of our lives.

Though Jesus is God, he was born in a stable in utter poverty and grew up in poor circumstances. He spent his life serving the margilized, proclaiming the love of God for them. In him, God experienced our human condition and knows our pain and misery, joy and sadness. Anyone who draws near to him experiences his love and power. Feast of Christmas reminds us that God is lovable like a father. As he condescended to be a man, we should spend ourselves to redeem the less fortute.  At Christmas, we celebrate his birth into the world yet he prefers to be born into our hearts and be with us always until eternity.  Let us be humble, simple and charitable that he can find his way into our hearts.