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*     Thirteen CMs, 14 union ministers, veteran BJP leader LK Advani and three former CMs attended the gala event

*     PM Modi ended his speech with the famous Assamese slogan 'bajok doba, bajok xankha, bajok mridong-khol, Axom akou untir pothot, joi aai Axom bol' (let the drums roll, let the conch blow…Assam is again on development path, Lets sing Long Live Assam)

*     Among those who took oath today, there are three former AASU presidents - Sonowal himself, Atul Bora and Keshav Mahanta

*     Sonowal, his 7 cabinet colleagues took the oath in Assamese, one minister took the oath in Bengali and two in Bodo

*     In his vote of thanks, Sonowal also mentioned about APCC president Anjan Dutta who is recovering from illness and wished him speedy recovery

*     East Guwahati BJP MLA Siddhartha Bhattacharya skipped the swearing-in ceremony, reportedly peeved at not being given cabinet berth

*     At one podium of the stage, there were over 100 spiritual leaders, including xatradhikars of xatras who came to attend the function

*     Over 1 lakh people, who came from various corners of the State, attended the function

*     Two major NDA constituents - the Shiv Se and the PDP - didn't turn up for the event