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Information About Laboratory Test for Edible and Potable Items

Sentinel Digital Desk

Any doubt over the safety standards of your edibles and potables? If so, get it confirmed. All you need to do is – go to the State Public Health Laboratory (commonly called Food Safety Laboratory), Bamunimaidam, Guwahati with an application for testing samples of edibles/potables. If the test is for a non-commercial purpose, you need to pay a fee amounting to Rs 250, and if the test is for a commercial purpose, you need to pay a fee amounting to Rs 1,000. The laboratory gives the report after 15 working days categorizing the sample tested as ‘standard, substandard, misbranded one or not safe for human intake’, as the case may be.

The State Public Health Laboratory delivers the services for analysis of (a) samples of articles of food under the provisions of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006 and the Regulations thereof and (b) samples of drinking water & waste water as per standards of Bureau of Indian Standards, etc. For details of the parameters being analyzed, you may visit the website: