
Shani Amavasya 2021: Significance and Auspicious Time to Worship Shani Dev

Sentinel Digital Desk

In the month of December of 2021, Shani Amavasya or New moon day falls on 3rd and 4th December i.e. Friday and Saturday. The new moon day of Krishna Paksha of Ashadh month according to the Hindu calendar that corresponds to June/July is called Shavi Amavasya or Shanishchari Amavasya.

Sanskrit meaning of the tern Amavasya is 'day of new moon' and the word also means belonging to the new moon or the new moon festival. Shani Amavasya is regarded as one of the most auspicious occasions for the worship of Shani Dev and to pacify Lord Shani who is known as the Lord of Justice and equity.

According to Hindu mythology, the auspicious night of Amavasya holds great importance and on this of Amavasya, believers follow special fastings or vrats associated with the night of the new moon dedicated to Lord Shani. As the day falls on Saturday (Shani Vaar) the name comes as Shani Amavasya.

Amavasya start and end Timing in December 2021:

• 03.12.21- Staring evening 4:56 PM

• 04.12.21- Ending afternoon 1:13 PM

For Hindus across the country, Amavasya is held in deep respect and is believed to be the best occasion to pay tribute to the ancestor of the family mainly the dead parents and also the auspicious night to offer shraddh on the view of paying homage to dead ones.

Some of the very significant Amavasya dates with major observance are named as Hariyali Amavasya, Bhaumvati Amavasya, Mauni Amavasya, Vat Savitri Vrat, Shani Jayanti, Mahalaya Amavasya (Pitru Paksha) and Lakshmi puja (Diwali).

Among the various Amavasya dates the most significant one is considered as the one which falls on Monday called Somvati Amavasya as the somavti vrat on somvar (Monday) is believed to be the most praiseworthy.

Devotees on this day perform important rituals including fastings and taking a holy dip in the sacred rivers like Yamuna, Krishna, Ganga and Kaveri. Shani Amavasya falls two times in the year 2021 once in 13 March and now in 4 December.

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