Assam News

Female Adult Leopard Trapped in Monumoi Tea Estate, Later Released

Sentinel Digital Desk

A Correspondent

JORHAT: A female adult leopard which was creating terror and panic in and around the areas of Ladoigarh, was trapped at the premises of Monumoi Tea Estate. She was wandering with two of her cubs about three months old and had killed many goats and cows in Diha, Monumoi, Rajoi and Gohain Gaon, following which locals complained to the police. The police further instructed them to complain to the Jorhat Forest division.

In the last week of August, some local people met Devendra Suman Kaur, the DFO of Jorhat, under whose initiative a cage was placed exactly 14 days ago with a goat as prey. Ultimately the female leopard was trapped in the cage in the early hours of Wednesday, said Tonkeswar Gayan, a forest official from the division here.

Later, the caged leopard was shifted to the Forest Range Office and after official documenting of the nature of the leopard, a four-member team from the Forest Division of Jorhat released the big cat at Nambor Wildlife Sanctuary. She is suspected to have come out of the Gibbon Wildlife Sanctuary in search of food, said Gayan.