Assam News

Lakhimpur DC Sumit Sattawan inaugurates two Model Anganwadi Centres

Sentinel Digital Desk


LAKHIMPUR: Deputy Commissioner of Lakhimpur Sumit Sattawan inaugurated two Model Anganwadi Centres with a plethora of facilities under Telahi Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS). These centres are Ujani Gamsuk Model Anganwadi Centre and Singimari Model Anganwadi Centre.

On this occasion, a ceremonial programme was organized at Ujani Gamsuk Model Anganwadi Centre under the management of Monjit Sarmah, the Child Development Project Officer (CDPO) of Telahi ICDS. Deputy Commissioner Sumit Sattawan took part in the event as chief guest. In his lecture, the Deputy Commissioner said, "The Government of Assam has initiated steps to change the common public concept on the Anganwadi Centres. At present, the Model Anganwadi Centres, with due facilities, have been set up across the State in order to secure the health of the children and to aggrandize their preparatory education." The Deputy Commissioner appealed to the public to take well care of the centres and use them for the effective benefit of their children

The Deputy Commissioner inaugurated a fair of food products organized in connection with the ongoing Poshan Maah initiative. In the fair, the Anganwadi workers and assistants showcased various nutritious food products prepared by tribal communities and green vegetables, useful for combating malnutrition and anaemia. Moreover, sensitisation programme, with a special focus on pregnant and lactating women, children below six years and adolescent girls, was also organized in this context. Telahi Block Development Officer Riya Mech, officers and employees of Poshan Abhiyan were among those who were present in the programme.

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