
Some Best Shoulder Exercises to do in the Gym

Sentinel Digital Desk

Shoulders exercises are more than just a regular workout routine. It provides you with a V-shaped waist that every man desired. Studies have also proven that shoulder workouts can prevent various pains and future injuries. Additionally, it obviously provides you with toned shoulder muscles and physic.

But shoulder exercises aren't that simple. Although it provides you with several advantages for your physic these exercises need lots of stamina and strength. Some men actually don't prefer to perform such exercises because these are quite hardcore and intense.

What are Shoulder Muscles?

Shoulder muscles are divided into two categories: Extrinsic and intrinsic. The extrinsic muscles start from the torso and are affixed to the shoulder bones. On the other hand, the intrinsic muscles start from the scapula and get affixed to the humerus.

Extrinsic shoulder muscles:


It is a triangle in shape and it traces with the spines and the blade. It helps the arms and shoulder to rise. Trapezius muscles are present on both sides.

Latissimus Dorsi:

It is the largest muscle present in the back and is covered partially by Trapezius. Working for the lats will helps you to have control over your body weight.

Levator Scapulae:

it is situated at the side and back neck. It helps in lifting the scapula which is connected with the humerus with the collarbone.


They are present at the top-back and midpoint of the shoulder blades. The contraction of these muscles helps in pulling the blades together.

Intrinsic shoulder muscles:


Deltoids play a very important role and are formed with three muscle fibres: Lateral, posterior, and anterior, that are interconnected by thick tendons and is V-shaped. It helps in rotating arms and also prevents dislocating and injuries from heavy objects.

Teres Major:

These small muscles are present on the underside of the upper arms and are also referred to as, "lat's little helper" because it associated with latissium dorsi.

Rotator Cuff:

These are grouped together with muscles and tendons which included teres minor, surrounding the shoulder joints. They help in keeping the head of the upper arm firm.

Some of the best shoulder workout:

There are several exercises for so many of these muscles that function differently for different muscles. Check out some below-mentioned gym shoulder workout:

1. Barbell standing press:

It not only works great for your shoulder but also for the entire body. It helps in making the core strength and increases stamina.

2. Seated Dumbbell Press:

this workout is done while sitting with a pair of dumbbells. It helps to handle a huge number of weights and focuses only on the movement.

3. Arnold press:

It focuses on anterior deltoids and is a kind of conventional press.

4. Lateral raise:

This workout works great for the medial portion of the deltoids and usually done with light weights but with high reps.

5. Half-knee Archer row:

Grabbing resistance bands with both hands, kneel with your left knee and keep engaging the abs and glutes. Your right arm must be straight with tight back muscles. Now bringing the left hand closer to the right elbow, pull the band apart as if pulling a bow.